Abstract submission will open February 1 until extended deadline May 1, 2024.
Since only approx. 110 participants can be accommodated, persons wishing to take part in the meeting should submit an abstract.
Please note that by submitting an abstract, you are committing yourself to participate in the meeting, provided your abstract is accepted.
The Organising Committee reviews all the abstracts, and authors of the highest quality abstracts will be invited to take part in the meeting, ca. 30 to give oral presentations.
Please read Important to know before submitting an abstract >
A. The submission process – creating a login and submitting an abstract
- Prepare your abstract text – using the headings Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions – ready to copy-and-paste into the submission system. The word count of the abstract text should not exceed 300 words.
- Go to the abstracts submission page (link will be provided below).
You will need to register your contact details and create your personal login before you are taken to a screen from which the submission process starts. Please make sure to read the instructions carefully. - Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process. Each step asks several questions. Some questions are marked “required” and you will not be able to complete your submission until these questions have been answered.
- If you have to stop part way through the process your submission will be held in temporary storage until you return later and complete all the questions. When you log in again you can click on your incomplete abstract and resume submission.
B. Amending a submission
You may wish to change your submission. You can do this at any time until the abstract submission deadline.
- Log in to the abstract submission system.
- Amending an abstract is just the same as the original submission process except that the online form will be automatically filled in with the answers that you gave previously. You don’t have to change an answer if you don’t want to.
- When you reach the final step and press “Submit” you will be sent an email confirming that your abstract has been amended.
If you have any queries about the submission process or you want to withdraw an abstract please contact the meeting administrator by email, info@eas-elc.org.