Evangelische Akademie
The Evangelische Akademie is within 15 min walking distance from the railway station (via Bahnhofstraße, Hallberger Allee, Hauptstraße, see signs). Also taxis waiting outside the railway station can be used.
Website: https://www.ev-akademie-tutzing.de/

Getting there – travel to Tutzing
Munich Airport International
The best way to get to Tutzing from Munich Airport (Welcome to MUC – Munich Airport, munich-airport.com) is by the regional railway called S-Bahn. There are two S-Bahns to Munich from the airport’s S-Bahn station located at the central area of terminal 1: S1 (bound for Ostbahnhof) and S8 (bound for Herrsching). Both S-Bahn lines can be used, although S1 is faster.
In Munich, passengers to Tutzing must change at the station called “Laim” to S-Bahn S6 which terminates in Tutzing. Tickets can be purchased at any ticket vending machine located at the airport S-Bahn terminal or at the S-Bahn platforms. The ticket must be validated using the machines on the platform before departure.
For network maps see: Homepage | MVV (mvv-muenchen.de)
Munich Central Railway Station
The S-Bahn S6 to Tutzing can be used, see above. Alternatively, the DB (Deutsche Bahn) express trains bound to Garmisch-Partenkirchen which stops in Tutzing, can be used. For tickets see above.
By car
Tutzing is located at Starnberger See 40 km south of Munich. It can be reached via the autobahn A95 to Garmisch, exit Starnberg, and following the signs along Starnberger See to Tutzing and the Evangelische Akademie.