Code of Conduct

This is the policy of the European Lipoprotein Club [hereinafter referred to as “ELC”] that its members, officers and members of the Organizing Committee and employees uphold the highest standards of ethical, professional behaviour. As professional members, officers and members of the Organizing Committee, we are responsible for adding value to the ELC and contributing to the ethical standards of the ELC which contributes to the success of the ELC. We accept professional responsibility for our individual decisions and actions. We are also advocates for the ELC by engaging in activities that enhance its credibility and value.

To that end, the ELC members, officers and members of the Organizing Committee and employees whilst carrying out the mission of the ELC the following are the minimum standards expected:

  1. ELC work shall be characterized by professional leadership and teamwork, participation, transparency, and inclusive attitudes and approaches.

  2. Act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance personal and professional honour, integrity, and dignity of the profession.

  3. All ELC members shall be treated with respect irrespective of their gender identity or expression, race, religion, political view, sexual orientation, marital or family status, disability, age, or national origin.

  4. ELC does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimization in any way.

  5. Recognise that the main function of the ELC always is to serve the best interest of its membership.

  6. Accept a personal duty and responsibility to keep up to date on emerging issues and to conduct themselves with professional competence, fairness, impartiality, efficiency, and effectiveness.

  7. Respect the structure and responsibilities of the Organizing Committee, provide them with facts and advice as a basis for making policy decision, and uphold and implement policies of the Organizing Committee.

  8. Refrain from using your position for personal, material, or financial gain or the appearance of such.

  9. Comply with the law and must not engage in, or support, corrupt practices.

  10. All incidents violating the Code of Conduct outlined herein shall be promptly reported to the designated Person of Trust from the Organizing Committee, who is authorized to oversee adherence to Code of Conduct. The Organizing Committee holds ELC members, officers and members of the Organizing Committee and employees accountable for failure to follow the Code of Conduct.