Camilla Scheele is an Associate Professor at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Prof Scheele received her PhD at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
Her research focus concerns human brown fat, its potential to counteract obesity and type 2 diabetes and its role in human metabolism. Her research team characterized human supraclavicular brown fat and demonstrated, that brown fat progenitors can be isolated from adult humans and differentiated in vitro while maintaining features of brown fat. They concluded that human brown fat is a heterogeneous tissue and to gain deeper insight in the development of thermogenic adipocytes they study adipose progenitors from several human adipose depots. In a recent single cell study they describe a new cell type -the SWAT cells, arising from the same progenitor cell as adipogenic cells, but a multipotent and secretory properties. Another major research interest of her group is to identify adipokines specifically secreted from brown fat, with the hypothesis that there are yet unknown brown adipokines, i.e. batokines, with an important role in regulating human metabolism and brown fat development. In 2020, she was awarded an ERC consolidator grant to study peptide-mediated crosstalk between BAT and brain.
Web: https://cbmr.ku.dk/research/integrative-metabolism-and-environmental-influences/scheele-group/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6055-9709
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CamillaScheele