47th Annual Scientific meeting of ELC September 9-12 2024Evaluation of the 47th ELC Scientific Meeting September 9-12 2024Question 1: How many times have you attended ELC previously? Never attended before 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times or moreQuestion 2: Your overall impression of this year’s ELC meeting Excellent Above average Average Fair PoorQuestion 3: Scientific quality of the programme Excellent Above average Average Fair PoorQuestion 4: Your overall impression of the venue Excellent Above average Average Fair PoorQuestion 5: Location and ease of access to the venue Excellent Above average Average Fair PoorQuestion 6: Please specify what you felt was the most relevant / interesting session and why?Question 7: Please specify who you thought was the best speaker and why?Question 8: Please tell us if you felt there were any areas not covered well in the programme and why you felt this?Question 9: I will attend ELC next year Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikelyQuestion 10: How do you think the meeting can be improved?Question 11: If you wish, please summarise your thoughts on ELC2024 in a short paragraph.Thank you very much for your feedback!Submit evaluation